Paper #nnn (Use the ID number provided to you in your letter of acceptance)
Paper Template, SRF
Author’s Name(s)
Author’s Affiliation
Author’s email
(if there are many authors, list them horizontally below the title)
Begin the paper with an abstract (50 to 150 words) that summarizes the topic and important results in the paper. Include the abstract in the manuscript electronic format.
Page Layout and Length
Page Layout. The entire paper should be in two column format. The margins should be set to 1-inch all around (top, bottom, left, and right) on letter-size paper. Center space between columns should be 0.25”. Text should be left- and right-justified.
Length. Papers should not exceed 10 pages in length, including illustrations, appendices, and biography, without explicit permission of the Editor. Paginate each paper beginning with “1”. Papers should not exceed 2 MB in total file size without the explicit permission of the Editor.
Document Template
This template conforms to the manuscript instructions. The document is set up with the correct page set up (letter size). The document also contains a set of styles that should be used to control the presentation of the document. The easiest way to use this template is to highlight the equivalent item in the template and then over-type your material. If doing this, do not highlight and type over the paragraph marks or the style may be changed. The paragraph marks ‘carry’ the style information. Authors are encouraged to use the styles in the template as provided.
Table 1 contains a list of the styles that should be used and the purpose of each style. The styles are used appropriately in this template as an example.
Table 1: Summary of style usage
Style Purpose
PaperID Paper Identification
Title Title
Author Name Author names
AuthorData Author affiliation, address, e-mail
Heading 1 Abstract, Major Headings
Body Normal Text, Body, Citing, and References
Figure Captions for figures and tables
Reference List of references at end of paper
Use the style Heading 1 for headings as desired. No blank lines are needed or should be used as the style already contains the correct line spacing.
Subsections. For subsection headings, use the style Body and place the subheading at the beginning of the paragraph in bold text.
Main Text
Normal Text. Use the style Body for all normal text. This uses 12 pt Times New Roman font with Block justification, Employ spaces above and below headings, but not between paragraphs.
Tables and Figures. Embed tables and figures in the text. If tables and figures must span the page, use section breaks before and after to force two-column text to break properly around the table/figure. Immediately follow the first reference to a table or figure with the actual table or figure and number each respective table or figure sequentially. Place table captions above the table and figure captions below the figure.
Figure 1. Typical Figure and Caption.
Graphics. Graphics should be embedded. All figures and graphics must be framed in Word so the figure does not appear over the text and the figure description should be included in the frame. Figures may be set to word wrap or not, at the author’s discretion. Copies and artwork must be clean originals from an inkjet or laser printer. Photos or halftones must be scanned at least at 200 dpi at the printed size. Avoid dark screened backgrounds. If screens are used, the tone should not exceed 30% black.
All final manuscript submissions must be received electronically through the EDA conference website. Electronic format should be in MS-Word 2003 or later using this document as a style guide/template. Invariably, a few papers will have some electronic problems. In these cases, you will be contacted.
Citing. Cite references within the manuscript body using parentheses that enclose the last name of the author and year of the publication, for example "(Smith 1983b) described …" or "… was documented in (Jones et al. 1985)" or “…these findings (Smith 1992).” A trailing lower-case letter distinguishes multiple papers by the same author in the same year.
Reference list. Each entry in the list should use the style Reference. The list is organised alphabetically by the author's name. Multiple entries with the same author are arranged chronologically. Italicize the name of a book or journal. Note the following examples:
Rich, Elaine, Artificial Intelligence. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983.
Stillman, J.P., "On Heuristics for Finding Loop Cutsets in Multiply Connected Belief Networks." Technical Report, General Electric Research and Development Centre, September, 1989.
Schweiter, G.A. and Stromquist, W.R., "The Effect of Sensor Quality on Tracker/Correlator Performance." Technical Proceedings of the 1990 Joint Service Data Fusion Symposium (Laurel, MD, May 15-18, 1990). Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA, pp 197-222.
Include a short biographical sketch (50 to 100 words) for each author at the end of the manuscript.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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This is in accord with IITB soon i'll update it more
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